How to Style your Twilly - The Hair Edition

How to Style your Twilly - The Hair Edition

So I will be totally honest in saying that if you asked me a year ago what a TWILLY was I would have replied ... "a what?"

Funny thing is - that I have seen the Twilly styled over and over again on Gossip Girl but never actually knew what is was called. To me it was just a "head scarf" or "neck tie".

October 17, 2022
3 Steal-worthy Sneaker looks to try this Summer

3 Steal-worthy Sneaker looks to try this Summer

Sneakers are trusty wardrobe staples for those of us who are always on the run from one thing to the next.  Styling them without looking frumpy can be tricky, however.  You want to create an effortlessly casual, cool, and chic look. Here are some looks worth stealing this summer. 
September 29, 2022
5 Things to Consider When Buying a Bag This Summer

5 Things to Consider When Buying a Bag This Summer

I am not sure about you – but I like a new bag for summer. It’s almost like shedding that winter drab feeling and starting fresh with the new season.
I know …. I know …. I do have the upper hand because I have a storeroom FULL of options to choose from every summer BUT that is why I thought I would share with you my top 5 things I always consider when buying a new bag for the summer.
September 26, 2022
Yellow Summer

Yellow Summer

Well in case you have not been counting – or paying attention to the calendar – we have 10 days until October (HOLY MOLY – that just dawned on me too …..)
Now October is technically still “spring” but we South Africans know that we don’t really have spring. It is winter – a few warm days and then it is HELLO SUMMER ….. or in the case of 2022 …..

YELLOW Summer.

September 19, 2022
Shop Your Summer 2022 Colour Trends

Shop Your Summer 2022 Colour Trends

According to the Pantone Colour Institute, this year's fashion colour trends include diverse and distinctive colours that come together to create a palette blending comfort and familiarity with unexpected delight.

The trend is more toward self-expression and creativity, and less about following the "rules."  This leaves a lot of room for applying these colours to your own taste and style personality! 
September 15, 2022
5 Tips on Getting your Body Summer Ready

5 Tips on Getting your Body Summer Ready

Yes it is that time of the year again when you see more and more people out running, cycling, walking .... just trying to get themselves in shape for the Summer Holidays which are (wait for it.....)

3 months away !

August 29, 2022
Commando boots are here to stay

Commando boots are here to stay

If you’re not rocking commando boots trend yet, I have good news for you. IT’S NOT TOO LATE! Although commando boots have been a huge trend for the past few seasons, they have actually been around all along - and they’re not going anywhere soon!
August 25, 2022
Wear your HUNTER Boots this Summer

Wear your HUNTER Boots this Summer

Winter may be done for the year BUT let's not forget that with Summer come the rains (I am not including the Western Cape in this generalization). And with the rain comes the perfect reason to wear the Hunter boots - I mean..... they are called RAIN BOOTS for a reason. 


So I thought for today I would share with you some really fun and easy looks you too can pull off this Summer with your Hunter boots. Let me know in the comments below which is your favorite look.

August 15, 2022
How To Wear Your Leg Warmers

How To Wear Your Leg Warmers

Now when we think leg warmers - we think 80s ..... lycra unitards, big hair and shoulder pads. So let me just place the following on record - unitards, big hair and shoulder pads must forever and always remain in the past. While Cher has had a good career for a few decades - even she left this look in the past.

BUT leg warmers....Now those you should have a few pairs to wear every winter.  

If you are still not sure let me show you how you too can enjoy these babies

July 21, 2022
Colour Focus // Mr Sandman bring me a dream

Colour Focus // Mr Sandman bring me a dream

This month I thought I would look at the colour SAND. 
Much like last month's blog on Grey, Sand is a lovely neutral colour that can be matched with everything. Grey can lean towards the colder colour tones while the Sand definitely has a slightly warmer feel to it. 
July 07, 2022
Sneaker Trends for 2022

Sneaker Trends for 2022

If you had told me 5 years ago that I would wear sneakers almost every day - I would have laughed at you and told you that you are completely off your rockers. BUT ..... This Gal is now a Sneaker Lover all the way. 

So here are my favorite 5 trends for this year

June 23, 2022
Colour Focus // No Grey Area Here

Colour Focus // No Grey Area Here

If there is one colour I absolutely LOVE for the Winter it is grey. And in life, we all know that there really are "50 shades of grey". From light grey to dark grey, from blue-grey to gunmetal, there is a shade of grey for each day of the week. 

If you are in need of some grey inspiration for winter.... let this be your guide

June 09, 2022